Author of Law on the Row blog, Barry Shrum, publishes new book.

NASHVILLE, TN, AUGUST 5, 2012:  Amazon’s CreateSpace and Shrum & Associates announce the publication of a new book by the author of Law on the Row, Barry Neil Shrum, Esquire.  The book is titled Origins of an Idea:  An Apologetic of Original  Expression and features a forward by Daymond John, who appears on the Shark Tank on ABC.


InOrigins_of_an_Idea_Cover_for_Kindle Origins of an Idea, Mr. Shrum defends the historic concept of Constitutional protection for original expression against an onslaught of attacks waged against it by Sweden’s Pirate Party, the Missionary Church of Kopimism, and other grass roots organizations threatening to destroy the universal concept of government-granted monopolies for original thought established by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.   Through reason and apologetics, from a philosophical and historical perspective, he defends and illustrates the value of the copyright concept and the inherent rights we have in our own original expressions.

The author, Barry Neil Shrum, is an entertainment attorney who has been practicing law for over 20 years, representing some of the biggest name in the music and entertainment industries as well as numerous other clients in the creative and Internet sectors. Mr. Shrum also teaches copyright,entertainment law, licensing, and Cyberlaw at the prestigious Mike Curb School of Music Business at Belmont University.

“Barry Shrum has produced a high quality work on one of the most important issues for today and the future. If intellectual property loses its protection, all personal property will be at risk.,”  said Gary Terashita, one of the editors of the book.  “I strongly recommend this book to everyone involved in any venture where creativity and innovation thrives. This book engaging book will arm you with the defense you’ll need as the move to make all things ‘free’ invades”

The forward is written by Daymond John, who appears on ABC’s popular entrepreneurial program The Shark Tank.  John is the founder of FUBU clothing and the president of Shark Marketing in New York, New York

"I am excited about the release of my new book," said Mr. Shrum, "it is a timely and important topic in today’s digital environment where digital downloads are negatively impacting not only the music industry, but all competitive environments. I hope that my book will allow people to see the logic of our forefathers when they created the Constitutional basis of our current intellectual property laws."

The book is available on Amazon in either paperback or Kindle format.  It is also available in all other formats from Smashwords.