Practice Areas

Personal & Post Mortem Rights of Publicity

We help you and your family protect your name, likeness and other personal characteristics that form the basis of your rights of publicity and privacy.

In detail…

Shrum Disney & Associates has been involved at every level of protecting a celebrity’s rights of publicity, including the following:

  • Opinion letters
  • Estate management & cataloging
  • Locating and establishing streams of income
  • Establishing and exploiting rights of publicity
  • Licensing and monetizing personal property and paraphernalia

We can help you sort through the applicable state laws that govern this particularly nebulous area of the law and clarify what rights your possess and how to exploit them.

The rights of a celebrity to license their persona – their name, likeness, image, signature and other attributes – is based on the legal concept of a person’s “rights of publicity.”  The right of publicity is the personal right of any individual to control the commercial use of his or her name, likeness, or other unequivocal aspects of their identity.

Barry Shrum, Counting Stars:  Celebrity Licensing & Endorsements

The right of persona, like its distant cousins’ copyright and trademark, is an intellectual property that is exploited through the process of granting a license.